
Cover Picture

Eileen & Iain Lauchlan and Stuart & Karen Barker enjoy Burn's Night at the Village Hall.

March Issue

The copy deadline will be the 15thof each month, this is necessary due to the external printing of the News.

Please can you ensure all copy is sent to us by midnight on 15thFebruary 2016 for the next edition –news-editor @ oxhill.org.uk A box labelled ‘The Oxhill News’ has been placed in the Church for any paper based contributions.

Roger & Vanessa

Contributions to the Oxhill News

The News is what we make it!

The editors would welcome any pictures, photographs, drawings, poems, puzzles, recipes, announcements or items of local news for possible inclusion in The Oxhill News.

Please emailnews-editor @ oxhill.org.ukor place paper contributions in the box labelled ‘The Oxhill News’ in the Church.

Mobile Library

The library van has books withlarge print, ordinary print, picture books, children's books, paperbacks, non-fiction, novels, sagas, crime, mysteries, adventures, westerns and romance. The van also has talking books, cassettes and CDs.

The library van will continue to visit Oxhill every 3rd Friday, stopping at the Village Hall at 2:30pm and staying there for 30 minutes.

This monththe van will visit us on Friday 12th at 2:30pm.

You can renew books between van visits by calling 01926 851031, or online at www.Warwickshire.gov.uk/wild.

Refuse Collections

Recycling and green waste bins (blue and green bins) will be collected on Tuesdays 9th and 23rd.

The grey rubbish bins will be collected on Tuesday 2nd and 16th.

Weekday Walkers

Weekday Walkers usually walks on the 2nd and 4th Friday's of the month.

If you are interested in joining or to find information, pleasecontact Jim Saxton on 01295 680613 or
at saxton @ talktalk.net.

At the Peacock

The village coffee morning is on Wednesday 3rd February at 10:30am.

Thevillage lunch is on Wednesday 17th February at 12:30pm.

Come Join Us!

Nature Notes

While travelling down from Herd Hill and to the crossroads to Oxhill, over the last few weeks I have been lucky enough to see a murmuration of starlings and also lapwings. The starlings now number 800-odd and these displays are a frequently observed but a little-understood phenomenon and can involve up to three million birds at any one time, a vast squadron of individuals, but flying as one, picking out geometric swirling patters, led by some strange force not yet understood. In the bird world a murmuration is usually only applied to starlings, but over the last few weeks I have seen a large flock of lapwings, numbering about 400, performing a very good interpretation of a murmuration. What is exceptionally good about both these sightings is that the numbers of both species has been in decline in Britain and there has been a downward trend since the early 1960s for the lapwing, which has increased over recent years. I have not seen such a large flock for more than ten years, so very good to see.

I have just received a report of a goldcrest in a garden on Main Street. This exquisite little bird, Britain’s smallest, is usually to be found in areas of well-grown conifers where they feed on small insects and spiders, so quite a rare sighting in a garden.

Many birds will start to pair off during February, especially around the 14th, St Valentine’s Day. It also marks the day of the Pagan celebration of Lupercalia, a fertility festival dedicated to Faunus, the Roman god of agriculture. The first person of the opposite sex you see today, excepting your family, must be your Valentine; but it is permissible to keep your eyes shut until the right person appears!

Grenville Moore

Gwen Hyatt

Many of you who have lived in Oxhill for a while will remember Gwen. Sadly she died on Wednesday 20thJanuary at the grand old age of 102. Is this a first for Oxhill?

Gwen moved to Oxhill in 1946 and she moved into 1 The Leys, when it was new in 1950, and lived there happily until 2012.

She was a regularly attended the Chapel until it closed and then she used to worship at Church. She also was one of the founder members of the Oxhill Ladies Country Club and then Women’s Institute and she liked to join in with village life.

She liked to walk round the village whenever she could and she often went down the fields “wooding”. When she couldn’t walk all the way round she could still be seen walking up as far as the layby.

Gwen was a good friend who was always happy to help and she baby sat for a number of families in the village. She never grumbled or let things get her down although it couldn’t have been easy bringing up her son on her own.

Her son, Alan was a regular visitor and was often seen cutting the grass or hedge for his mum.

In 2012 Gwen moved to Haven House in Kineton when she couldn’t manage on her own and she lived there happily until two weeks ago when she had to move to Ashorne as Haven House is closing. Until her illness in the last few weeks the only medication that she took was aspirin or paracetamol for her arthritis! I’m sure that there are a lot of us a lot younger who wish we could say that!

In the picture, which was taken at our wedding 10 years ago Gwen is pictured with her two sisters. On the right was Louie, the eldest, at 93 in the middle was “Our young Bessie” at 89 and on the left Gwen at 92. That’s a total of 274 years!

The funeral will be held at Oxhill Church at 2pm on 1stFebruary.

Barbara Shepard

Mark Harrison

Pat Crowther, our village impresario sent us Mark Harrison's year review.

This year, I've done a sellout headline concert at Celtic Connections, an epic and unforgettable night, and other top festivals of many kinds including Bearded Theory, Lechlade, Ealing Blues, Lakefest, BAMfest, Gloucester Blues, Rye International, Ilfracombe Folk, Roots & World and Barry Jazz Weekend.

I've played at great places in London, including Green Note, where it all started, Brook's Blues Bar at Jazz Cafe POSK, St Harmonicas and Jamboree. And I've played at brilliant places all over the country, including the wonderful night at Wigan Parish Church, gigs in Sheffield for a fantastic crowd of people, a memorable return to Oxhill in Warwickshire, and great gigs in a mass of places too numerous to mention but equally good and equally appreciated.

Thanks to everyone who's sent me terrific photos and videos from the gigs. And thanks to everyone who's written such great reviews.

It was great to get nominated in two categories of the British Blues Awards - Acoustic and Songwriter.

Massive thanks to all the radio presenters who've played tracks and said such great things about me, and it was brilliant to end the year getting played on Radio 2.

Mark Harrison

Village Hall Events

Tickets for events

Just a gentle reminder that if you are planning to come to a village hall event (and if you aren’t, you are missing out on a great night outJ), then could you kindly let us know and book your place as soon as you can. When we are catering, it clearly helps to know in advance who is coming along, so we can prepare or buy the right amount of food and drink. We can also accept payment at the event rather than in advance, if you prefer.

Many thanks!

Coming next…

Friday 26 February –
Fish and Chips Supper and Games Night

Our fish and chip supper a few years ago was a great success. So we will be doing something similar on Friday 26 February but with the added bonus of having a games night. You know, playing the sort of games many us grew up with before Xbox and PlayStation dominated! Expect cards, dominoes and board game favourites. A chance also to play with our younger residents and show them that playing a board game with others is far more exciting than Candy Crush alone! All very welcome.

Tickets are £10 each and available from Jay Roberts on 680030. Event starts from 7.30pm.

Coming soon…

Friday 18 March – Celtic Night

After celebrating with the Scots to mark Burns Night, we turn our attention to Irish and Welsh culture on 18 March with our ever popular Celtic Night, the night before both teams take part in the final Six Nations rugby matches. Irish Stew will be on the menu. We start the Craic and Hwyl from 7.30pm.

Tickets are £10 each from Jay Roberts on 680030.

Friday 22 April – Fake Thackray

Folk legend Jake Thackray sadly passed away in 2002 but you can hear the next best thing in April when tribute performer Fake Thackray takes to the village hall `stage` to perform Jake’s songs.

It’s quite a coup to persuade John Watterson (aka Jake Thackray) to come and play for us on his current UK tour. In 2013 he appeared at the legendary Cropredy Festival

John first saw and met Jake in 1975. His interest in Jake’s music blossomed so much so that members of the Thackray family are now actively supporting John’s research to write a biography of the great man.

'We can't have Jake back but this is the next best thing - a real tribute'Mike Harding.

Tickets are £10 each and are available from Pat Crowther on 680705.

A 7.30pm for 8pm start.

Burn's Night

In a beautifully decorated Hall (Thanks, Jude MacDonald) some 30 plus people enjoyed an excellent, traditional supper of tasty homemade Scotch Broth (Thanks, Pat) Haggis, Neeps and Tatties (Thanks, Lisa & Karen) a Cranachan desert (Thanks, Jay & Annette) plus Cheese and Biscuits accompanied by traditional and modern speeches and entertainment.

The Address to the Haggis was superbly delivered by Eileen MacPherson (hailed by the Scots from the Village as one of the best ever performances),Stuart Barker provided and amusing and informative tribute to Robbie Burnsand Iain MacPherson, not to be outdone by his wife, soon had us falling about laughing with his inimitable story telling in his address to the Lassies. Karen Barker replied with a very amusing, poetic reply to the Laddies and then Iain finished the entertainment with a few guitar accompanied songs that had everyone joining in.

It was a wonderful evening – where were you?

Housing Needs Survey

All households in Oxhill are receiving a Housing Needs Survey, conducted for the Parish Council by Warwickshire Rural Community Council.

You will recall that, in 2013, we carried out a comprehensive village survey as part of the process for developing the Parish Plan. You will see that this included some questions about housing that are very similar to those in this new survey.

We now want to strengthen the housing element of the plan, in order to provide further information to planners about what Oxhills housing needs are, when assessing planning applications. It is also an essential part of progressing to a Neighbourhood Plan, should we choose to do so.

The survey is at no cost to the Parish and all information is confidential. Surveys are returned by post to Warwickshire Rural Community Council, who will analyse the results and report back to the Parish Council. An explanatory letter is attached to the survey.

The Village survey in 2013 resulted in an amazing 83% return. A similar response to this survey would be extremely helpful.

Please take a few minutes to complete the survey and return it in the envelope provided.

Should you have any concerns or queries, please contact Sue Hunt 01295 680419

Thank you in anticipation

Grenville Moore.

Chair, Oxhill Parish Council

Knit & Natter

In February we have meetings on Thursdays, the 11thand 25th, starting at 2.00pm.

Any Mums with babies are welcome to join us, even if it’s just for a cup of tea and a change of scenery.

Please feel free to come along for a cup of tea and to ‘Knit & Natter’. Also don’t forget the BOOK EXCHANGE. If you’d like to know more or have some suggestions for the next few months, then call Tricia Harbour on 680676 or just turn up and join in.

Scarecrow Festival 2016

There is a strong possibility that we may be able to have this event again if we get enough interest.

The date would be 25th and 26th June. Do hope that there will be enough support for this. Details will follow next month.

This site is maintained by villagers of Oxhill for the benefit of the community and those interested in the history, news and activities that make the village such a pleasant place to live.

Send mail to the editor of the Oxhill News at news-editor @ oxhill.org.uk.

©2016 Oxhill Village (Terms and Conditions of use)

Last modified:February 08, 2016

Sunny View Foods


I'm Gemma Deering, I've recently started up a new business, Sunny Views Foods, cooking and delivering homemade ready meals from my home kitchem in Tysoe. I can deliver within a six-mile radius of Tysoe.

If you wish to know more please contact me on 07964 862406 or email SunnyViewFoods @ outlook.com


Oil Consortium

The next order date is the 9th February.

If you wish to order please let us have your order by 6pm on that day. That will ensure that you will be included, we are sorry, but we do have to keep to this deadline.

The date after that is the 22nd March.

We will be sending out the usual email reminders from
oil @ oxhil.org

Mick & Barbara

MacMillan Cancer Support 2015

Many thanks, once again, to all those who supported this worthy cause, last year.

£2150 was raised in 2015 from sales at my home in April and November, the sale of various items in Tysoe Tea Rooms (thank you Louise), plus many generous donations.

To date the total amount raised, over 4 years, is a massive £8692 which is fantastic!!!!

Thanks again, I couldn't have done it without you.

07811 794634
01295 680263

Christmas Pudding Sales 2015

St. Peter’s Church Whatcote

With thanks to all our customers both local and far away, all the puddings were sold by the first week in December. This raised the princely sum of £455.43 for church funds.

May I wish you all a very happy 2016.

June Wreford

Art Group

Six-week course starts

Wednesday 10 February 2016

10.00 am – 1.00 pm

at the Village Hall, Oxhill

£12 per session/£60.00 six sessions

Beginners welcome. Fun and informal

Contact: Grenville Moore –
01295 680664
07968 789968

gren.moore @ gmail.com
moore.moore @ zen.co.uk

Receiving the News -

I am sending this little verse to you - which I hope shows my pleasure in receiving it.

Best wishes to you and your publication,

Suzanne Dowding

On receiving the Oxhill News

Every month 'The Postie' brings - a little treat for me
'The Oxhill News' so full of things I'm very keen to see

Because I live in 'urban sprawl' - no 'Knit and Natter' here
no tales of village life I have - or special treats each year

So just for now I'll scan 'The News' and read of rural days
that brighten up a 'Townie' who loves her Oxhill stays!

Church Service Times

St. Lawrence Oxhill

All are warmly invited to our services

Sunday 7th - Quinquagesima
9:30 a.m. Parish Communion (ML)

Wednesday 10th - Ash Wednesday
10:00am Holy Communion at Tysoe

Sunday 14th - Lent I
9:30 a.m. Morning Worship (JT)

Sunday 21st - Lent II
9:30 a.m. Parish Communion (ML)

Sunday 28th - Lent III
9:30 a.m. - Family Service (NM)

Sunday 31st - Sexagesima
9:30 a.m. - United Benefice Communion

For details of other services in the Benefice please see the list in Church or telephone the clergy.

Vicarage Notes

Dear friends,

Wed. Feb.3rd 7.30pm -
The Archdeacon’s Meeting for the PCCs

Te Ven. Morris Rodham is visiting St.George’s Brailes on Wed.Feb.3rd to detail the process of preparing for my retirement in the autumn and appointment of my successor. Whilst primarily for members of the P.C.Cs, of Tysoe, Oxhill, Whatcote, Brailes and Sutton, it is an open meeting and anyone is warmly welcome to attend.

Mon. March 7th 7.30pm at St.George’s

As part of the planning for the future, the Diocese asks that all the PCCs and parishes reflect on the Diocesan Strategy to meet the challenges of today. Morris Rodham is paying a 2nd visit to St.George’s to introduce what the Diocese call “The 8 Essential Qualities” – these help to form the Parish Profiles which will be needed as the search for a new incumbent is planned. Members of all the the churches (Except Tysoe, which did this a year or so ago) are warmly invited!

Lent 2015

As Easter is early this year, Ash Wednesday is on Feb.10th with services both at Tysoe and Brailes. There will also be the Deanery Lent Services each Tuesday evening starting on Feb.16th

God bless,

Nicholas Morgan
01608 685230
braileschurch @ gmail.com

Church Extra

On Sunday January 31st , there will be a Benefice Service in Oxhill that marks both Candlemas and Christingle Sunday, to support the work of the Children’s Society: with Christingles for the children, and candles for the adults. There will be a warm welcome to those from Tysoe and Whatcote, and tea, coffee and cake afterwards!

Mid-Week Communion Services

You are warmly invited to join us for a short service of Holy Communion at 10.00am on Wednesday, followed by coffee if you can stay.

February 3rd, at Oddcote, the home of Janet Gardner (then coffee)
February 10th, Tysoe Church,
February 17th, Whatcote Church,
February 24th, Tysoe Church.

Ash Wednesday is February 10th, and there will be a quiet service of Holy Communion, with imposition of ashes, that evening at 7.00pm in St. Lawrence Church.

Three Together in Fellowship

We are continuing our explorations of The Lord’s Prayer, meeting in The Old Chapel, Oxhill, for anyone from across the Benefice. This term, as we move into Lent, we are meeting on:

Monday February 8th
Monday February 22nd

- at 7.30pm, beginning with coffee, and aiming to finish around 8.45pm

Anyone from across the parishes is more than welcome at any of these, as we seek together to listen to God together.

Deanery News

Already the year is underway, and we find the first Deanery Synod of the year and the Lent Services upon us. This is a year of change for many in the Deanery, and I pray that you will be able to ‘Be still and know that I am God’ as the year unfolds. Jill

Deanery Synod

The next Deanery Synod is on Tuesday, February 2nd, at 7.30pm at St. Edmund’s Church, Shipston. In a change of programme, our speakers will be Karen Gaymond and Roseann Boyce, who are Diocesan President and Area Manager respectively of The Children’s Society – very appropriately for Candlemas and Christingles! Both Karen and the work of the Children’s Society are, of course, well known to many of us, so we really look forward to having them with us. All are very welcome to come and meet them - you don’t have to be a member of Synod.

Deanery Lent Services.

Easter is early this year: Easter Day being March 27th, and Ash Wednesday February 10th: so our series of Lent Services begins on Tuesday, 16th February. This year we are aiming to address some of the difficult questions of our faith, and we are encouraging our speakers to allow time for questions or discussion. You will see that we are reverting to Tuesdays, always at 7.30pm. As ever, each service will be followed by coffee etc: we very much look forward to seeing you there.

Tuesday 16th February - St. Mary’s Church, Tysoe
Revd. Sarah Edmonds, ‘A Church for Everyone?’

Tuesday 23rd February - St. Edmond’s Church, Shipston
Revd. Mark Bratton, ‘The Persecuted Church’

Tuesday 1st March - St. David’s Church, Newbold
Revd. Canon Christopher Lamb, ‘Islam and the Gospel and the People of Violence

Tuesday 8th March - St. Peter & St. Paul, Long Compton
Katherine Walakira, ‘Is Prayer Superfluous?’

Tuesday 15th March - St. George’s Church, Brailes
Revd. Stuart Allen, ‘Did Jesus really have to die?’

Tuesday 22nd March - St. Gregory’s Church, Tredington
Eucharist of Holy Week, with Bishop Christopher, ‘Why does God allow bad things to happen?’

Our collections from the services will once again be sent to support the work of Urban Hope: Greg Bartlem from Urban Hope will be our speaker at the Ascension Day service on May 5th.

Every blessing, Jill

Jill Tucker. 688193

St. Lawrence Church, Oxhill, invite you to join us for a


On Shrove Tuesday, February 9th,

7.00pm ‘til 9.00pm ish

At The Old House,
Back Lane

Donations towards helping Syrian Refugees

From the PCC

As we begin 2016 we look back to Christmas 2015. Following the Carol Service the flower arrangers came in and made the Church look very festive. Thanks must go to all the flower arrangers who came along to beautify the church. The Christmas Day service was very well attended. The cleaning Rota can now resume as normal. A very special thankyou to all who have given their time over the last year and indeed those who have been on the Cleaning Rota for many, many years. We are still one cleaner short to complete the Rota. Any volunteers? It’s for the second week in the month to work alongside Carol Fox. We must also thank our volunteer organist James Synge who has been there for us since John Hughes died many years ago. We are always looking for an organist who can fill in the gaps for us. Again any volunteers? You don't need to be an organist. A keyboard player would be fine.

Dates for your Diary

Sunday April 10th. Annual Lamb Roast and Curry Lunch at the Old Chapel

Saturday September 17th Harvest Barn dance in Bill Fox's barn

Details will follow.

Replacement for Rev. Nicholas Morgan

We are now facing the task of seeking a replacement for Nicholas who retires after Harvest Festival in September. We shall be very sorry to see him go and he will be a hard act to follow. There will be opportunities later to thank him for his work with Oxhill Parish.


Oxhill Resident for 15 years, pal to many (especially those in the pub), sadly died just after Christmas.

Carol Taylor.

Kineton Surgery

Old School, Market Square, Kineton

Are you a Carer?

A carer is anyone who regularly provides help and support for a relative, neighbour or friend who cannot manage because of their age, sickness or disability. The care they provide is often unpaid, although there are benefits and allowances that carers can claim. If you do care for someone it is important that your GP knows as we can help support you.

The surgery has a Carers Register and we write annually to all of our carers to touch base and let them know that we are here to help provide support and signpost carers to other organisations that provide help, information and support.

Every month Guideposts the Warwickshire Carers Support organisation runs a session on a Wednesday afternoon. Please see our website and Facebook pages for the next session. We are also very interested in supporting young carers so please if you are a young carer and would like advice and support then please come to a Guidepost Session.

If you wish to register yourself as a carer with the surgery please ask at reception for an: ‘I am a carer’ form.

Our Practice Boundaries

As a surgery we cover Kineton, Tysoe, Ettington, Wellesbourne, Temple Herdewycke and many more villages please see our website www.kinetonsurgery.org.uk and click on ‘Register With Us’ and follow the links.

Please follow us on Facebook (Kineton and Tysoe Surgeries) and Twitter (@KinetonGPs) for lots of healthcare related topics and discussions.

Tysoe School

Happy New Year from everyone at Tysoe CE School.

All the children had a busy end of term with successful Christmas productions, a carol service with thoughtful contributions from all the classes, a shared Christmas dinner and class parties.

During the first week of term, the whole school has collaborated on a ‘Keeping Healthy Week’, perfect for those New Year’s resolutions. Each class has taken a different theme including exercise and healthy diet, and produced striking display boards around the school. The children are also enthused by a wide variety of after school clubs on offer, including cookery, book, science, art and orchestra clubs, thanks to the dedication of the teaching staff. The children are fortunate to benefit from a lottery award which will fund many additional sports activities delivered by two professional coaches.

Future school projects include partnership with St Mary’s Church for a Christingle service on 7thFebruary and a Book Week in March to link with World Book Day on 3rdMarch. Teaching the creative curriculum, where subjects taught are linked in themes, offers children the opportunity to develop independence and further their curiosity in learning. In the words of one Year 4 boy, ‘one thing I love about my learning is having a talk partner to magpie ideas with.’

There is always the opportunity for any prospective parent to visit and see the school in action, just contact Mrs Horrocks, the Business Manager on 01295-680244 to make an appointment.

Minutes of a Oxhill Parish Council Meeting

Tuesday 12thJanuary at 8.00pm in the village hall.

The meeting, chaired by Grenville Moore and was attended by Councillors David Hill, Carol Taylor, Sue Hunt and Stewart Whittaker. One member of the public attended.


Minutes of the previous meeting were read, agreed and signed.

Matters arising-Rural Housing Questionnaire- It was agreed to proceed with this as it will provide the foundation for the Neighbourhood Plan which needs to be completed in the near future. A covering letter explaining this will be included in this month’s Oxhill News and Warwickshire Rural Housing contacted to obtain the questionnaire which will be delivered to all households with the Oxhill News, when completed this will be returned by free post and collated by Warwickshire Rural Housing.

Bench-It was agreed that a bench will be purchased and positioned on the area opposite the Peacock Public House where the Children and families gather for the school buses. It has been noted that on frequent occasions and particularly over the Christmas period that cars park in this area obstructing the view from the junction and causing a hazard. It is hoped that the bench will not only provide seating for those waiting for the bus but will prevent people parking in this way.

Marking EventIt was proposed that a marking opportunity for equipment such as; mowers, chainsaws, bench saws etc. be included at the Village Breakfast on 30thJanuary 2016 between 9 and 11am. Bob Church from Community Safety will be contacted along with Mick Shepperd to see if this is feasible.

The Leys Field-Stratford District Council’ s Policy Team have announced that they have a 5 year Housing Supply and as a consequence of this a number of applications for planning including the Leys Field will be reported back to Committee a new date will be confirmed.

Planning-Applications have been withdrawn for 2 dwellings at the rear of Oakwoods House, Green Land and dwellings on land off Church Lane. Permission has been granted for work to the Walnut tree at Meadow Cottage and tree work at Fexloe House.

Finance-The Precept was agreed for the financial year 2015/16 proposed by Carol Taylor and Seconded by Stewart Whittaker. The clerk’s wages were set at an annual figure.

WALC- It was decided not to join the Warwickshire Association for Local Councils at this point, this will be reviewed should the need arise.

Correspondence– Queens Birthday Celebrations – It was agreed that the Parish Council would explore how to apply for a grant in order to provide funds towards a village street party to Celebrate the Queens 90thbirthday on a date between the 10thand 12thJune.

A letter from the previous Clerk Angela Keen was received thanking the Parish Council for the garden vouchers.

Any Other business- The footpath on Main Street – Several comments have been made about the dangerous condition and risk of serious injury on this section of footpath. A letter expressing both the residents and Councils concern about the need for this to be rectified as soon as possible will be sent.

Road Edges– Concerns were also raised about the condition of the road edges for example, on the Whatcote Road on the bends as it leaves the village there is a drop of almost ½ a foot. Highways will be notified of this.

Dates for future meetings 2016/17- 8thMarch, 10thMay, 12th July, 13thSeptember, 8thNovember and 10thJanuary 2017

The meeting closed at 9.20pm

Date of Next Meeting

Tuesday 8thMarch 2016 at 8:00pm in the Village Hall.

Lis Stuart
Parish Clerk

Lost Ring

On Saturday 24thJanuary Michael and I posted Crime Prevention Information through every letterbox in the village. When we got home I realised that my gold ring was missing.

I wonder if I might have posted it through yours?

If anyone has found a gold it I would love to have it back as it was a present and has sentimental value.

Barbara Shepard 07976269090

WOT2Grow - Community Orchard

At last winter has come with the cold weather hopefully killing off some bugs and diseases at the orchard! It arrived just in time for our Wassail which took place on a cold crisp evening with just the odd drop pf rain that didn't dampen the event.It was good to see people enjoying the bonfire (courtesy of our very own Firemaster David), hot mulled cider and apple juice as well as the BBQ provided by Kineton Scouts as we waited for it to get dark. The torch lit procession was very atmospheric and our Master of the Wassail (Duncan resplendent in smock, decorated hat and with a wonderful wooden staff!) kept everyone in the spirit of things. The children certainly did their very best to make a lot of noise competing with the gun shots that rang through the orchard. We can definitely say we have our very own Wassail tradition that will carry on into the future. Thank you to everyone who contributed to the evening and to all those who came along and enjoyed it.

Now it is colder we will be getting down to the pruning and clearing the autumn raspberry canes so there is plenty to keep us occupied over the next month or so. If you want to help out or for moreinformation about the orchard contact one us.

Liz Atkinson (680045), Paul Sayer (680451), Sue and Mike Sanderson (688080)

Shipston Home Nursing